With DJ experience since 2007, we strive to bring the utmost professional look and sound. We're based out of Southern Minnesota, but are happy to travel to provide you with a fantastic light and sound show. For your peace of mind, we are fully insured. Check out the photos below for the details on our set-up. As always, we look forward to working with and for you, the customer. See you soon!
American DJ Galaxian 3D
American DJ LED Aggressors
American DJ Tri Gem
Via a DMX controler, 12 American DJ Mega Par lights strobe and chase to the beat.
American DJ Rotoballs
The Pars can also be used to provide up-lighting for a dining area or head table.
ADJ Double Phase LEDs
And a host of LED or tube black lights if you so desire...
As great as these lights are, adding our hazer effect truly completes the look. What's a hazer you ask? A hazer adds a thin and
odorless water-based mist to the air, allowing the beams of light to be visible just like in the pictures above. A much needed improvement over the foggers you may be used to,
your guests will be glad you did!
As part of our Premium Wedding Package, scrims provide an elegant addition to your light show, while covering up unsightly wires and cables.